region statistics - Mon Apr 29 06:40:01 2024

standard deviation4536.24
50k on plan48343.00
% winners0.00%

Last updated: Monday, 29-Apr-2024 06:40:02 PDT

1LN1345694Hey, is everything ok? I don't mean to pry but you've fallen a day behind...
2Madam Valkyrie37837
Keep on writing! You can do it! Find your creative high point, be it writing on top of your time machine or doing it while humming along to your favorite musical.

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Cliffs of Insanity - 80k+ words
Cliffs of Insanity - 80k+ words
Literary Device Lake - 70-80k words
Literary Device Lake - 70-80k words
Harrowing Hills - 60-70k words
Harrowing Hills - 60-70k words
Mount Climax - 50-60k words
Mount Climax - 50-60k words
Carpe Diem Castle - 45-50k words
Carpe Diem Castle - 45-50k words

45694 words
Writer's Block Bog - 40-45k words
Writer's Block Bog - 40-45k words
Rephrase Ruins - 35-40k words
Rephrase Ruins - 35-40k words
Madam Valkyrie

37837 words
Soggy Middle Marsh - 30-35k words
Soggy Middle Marsh
Plot Whispering Wetlands - 25-30k words
Plot Whispering Wetlands
Incident Island - 20-25k words
Incident Island
Forest of Foreshadowing - 15-20k words
Forest of Foreshadowing
Plot Plateau - 10-15k words
Plot Plateau
Creativity Cavern - 5-10k words
Creativity Cavern
New WriMo City - 0-5k words
New WriMo City

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Today is 2024-04-29

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2Madam Valkyrie0